Acupuncture at Power Chiropractic Clinic
When you’re a chiropractic patient at Power Chiropractic Clinic, you have access to a full suite of wellness services. These include acupuncture as an adjunct to your care with us. When we combine chiropractic and acupuncture, we get tremendous results for conditions including pain, tingling, numbness, muscle spasms, anxiety, depression and more.
Dr. McClellan may recommend that you receive acupuncture if we aren’t getting the results we want to see with your chiropractic care.
What to Expect
When you have acupuncture, you and Dr. McClellan will discuss your particular challenges and how acupuncture may benefit you. You’ll be in a private area and will remain fully clothed. Dr. McClellan will insert the slender acupuncture needles. Most people don’t even know they’re going in. They’ll be left in place for about 20 minutes. Dr. McClellan may use electricity to further stimulate the needles. When your session is complete, she’ll come into the room and remove the needles.
How Acupuncture Works
There are 12 meridian systems in your body. When the energy can’t flow through them as it should, you may experience pain, swelling and dysfunction. The insertion of an acupuncture needle opens up the flow of energy so that your body can function optimally.
Is acupuncture painful?
Most patients find acupuncture to be extremely relaxing. In fact, you likely won’t even feel the needle being placed in your body depending on the area. If you do, it’s just a simple poke and doesn’t hurt at all. After the needles have been place, you’ll relax until the end of your treatment in a stress-free environment. We may place heat lamps around you dependent on your body’s needs.
How many sessions will I need?
Because each patient visits us with a unique set of needs, it’s difficult to determine exactly how many sessions you’ll need before you see results. In some cases, a patient feels less pain after just one visit. In other cases, several trips are necessary. While acupuncture isn’t a ‘miracle’ cure for pain, it can absolutely make a difference in your life. Think of it this way—if a problem took years to develop, it’s going to take several sessions to make progress. Rest assured, we’ll do our best to get you feeling better as quickly as possible.
How long does a session last?
An acupuncture session may last anywhere from 30 minutes – 1 hour. Again, this largely depends on your unique set of problems and what’s being addressed during the treatment. Your acupuncturist will be able to give you a better time reference when you visit us for an appointment.
Will I receive other modalities in your care?
Many patients certainly do. We’ll address your specific concerns and devise a care plan that will work to get you out of pain and into wellness as quickly as possible. This may include chiropractic and acupuncture or more. The choice of the type of care you’ll receive is always entirely up to you—we’re here to support you on your quest to wellness.
Can I exercise after acupuncture?
After acupuncture, you can return to your normal daily activities. We recommend minimizing strenuous exercise immediately after an appointment, but most workouts are ok.
Is acupuncture expensive?
We strive to make the care our patients need as affordable as possible. Give us a call and we can better assist you with the cost of an appointment.
Are there any side effects of acupuncture?
In terms of negative side effects, no—only positive ones. Our patients find that they often leave feeling better than they did when they came in. There will likely be no pain associated with your visit, and you shouldn’t have to worry about bruising after, either.
Will my practitioner be trained in acupuncture?
Absolutely. Our practitioners have taken the necessary courses and obtained proper certifications in acupuncture. They’ll work with you to build a custom care plan that can address your specific needs.
Where will the needles be inserted?
This depends on your problem areas. If you’re dealing with pain in the back or neck, we’ll likely insert the needles near those areas. There are also different points in the body that have connections with these problem areas, so don’t be shocked if we also recommend inserting needles elsewhere! We’ll always explain everything that we’re doing and encourage patients to ask questions to learn more about their own care and experience.
Coverage Information
Contact us today for a same-day acupuncture Russellville appointment!

Acupuncture Russellville AR | (479) 219-5030